Best Under Desk Treadmills with incline

7 Best Under Desk Treadmills with Incline: Boost Your Space

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for exercise while meeting work demands can be a challenge. Enter under desk treadmills with incline, a revolutionary solution that combines productivity and fitness. This guide looks at the specifications, features, and benefits of under-desk treadmills with incline. 

Some of the Best Tried-and-Tested Under-Desk Treadmills with Incline here:

Bifanuo Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

Best Quiet Under Desk Treadmill with Incline

Bifanuo Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill 

FUNMILY Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

Best Under Desk Treadmill with Incline 300 lb Capacity

FUNMILY Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

Egofit Walker Pro/Plus Smallest Under Desk Treadmill

Best Under The Desk Treadmill with Incline Option

Egofit Walker Pro/Plus Smallest Under Desk Treadmill

UREVO Under Desk Treadmill

Best Under Desk Treadmill with Adjustable Incline 6mph

UREVO Under Desk Treadmill with 5%, 7% & Max 9% Auto Incline

Popfit Standing Desk Walking Pad Treadmill

Best Small Under Desk Treadmill with Incline

Popfit Standing Desk Walking Pad Treadmill 

Lifepro Smallest Portable 30in Walking Pad

Compact Under Desk Treadmill with Incline

Lifepro Smallest Portable 30 in Walking Pad

Goyouth Walking Pad with 5% Incline

Best Under Desk Treadmill with Incline & Presets

GOYOUTH Walking Pad with 5% Incline

Comparison: Under-desk treadmills with Incline

Bifanuo Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill 2.25Wood1 Yr339
FUNMILY Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill2.5Alloy Steel1 Yr289
Egofit Walker Pro/Plus Smallest Under Desk Treadmill2Nylon1 Yr459
UREVO Under Desk Treadmill2.5Alloy Steel1 Yr450
Popfit Standing Desk Walking Pad Treadmill 2.5Alloy Steel1Yr/Frame249
Lifepro Smallest Portable 30in Walking Pad1.75Stainless SteelLifetime299
GOYOUTH Walking Pad with 5% Incline2.25Wood1 Yr499

Benefits: Under Desk Treadmills with Incline

Enhanced Productivity: Incorporating movement into your workday improves focus, creativity, and productivity. An under desk treadmill with incline lets you walk or jog while working. Doing so helps you maintain a higher level of alertness and engagement.

Cardiovascular Health: Regular cardiovascular exercise is crucial for heart health. Under the desk treadmill with an incline is an efficient way to increase your heart rate. It improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Weight Management: Walking or jogging at an incline burns more calories than on flat surfaces. Using these, you can manage your weight or shed a few pounds while tackling your daily tasks.

Reduced Sedentary Time: Prolonged sitting causes various health issues, like back pain, obesity, and poor posture. An under desk treadmill encourages movement, combating the adverse effects of prolonged sitting.

Joint and Muscle Health: Walking at an incline enhances lower body strength and flexibility. It can contribute to better joint health and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal problems.

Key Features

Incline Range: Look for treadmills with a wide incline range. You can adjust the intensity of your workout and target different muscle groups.

Speed Range: A versatile speed range accommodates various fitness levels and work preferences. Adjustable speed settings are essential for a stroll or a brisk jog.

Noise Level: Opt for a treadmill with a quiet motor to ensure minimal disruption to those around you.

Desk Compatibility: Does the treadmill fit under your desk and provide enough space for your work setup? Adjustable height desks are particularly useful in this regard.

Safety Features: Look for safety features like an emergency stop button and a non-slip walking surface. These prevent accidents during work-exercise sessions.

Connectivity and Technology: Bluetooth connectivity and compatibility with fitness apps enhance your workout experience. They help you track your progress.

7 Best Under Desk Treadmills with Incline

Bifanuo Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9/5

Bifanuo Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill


  • Allows you to incorporate light physical activity into your workday
  • Walking while working can enhance blood circulation.
  • The movement improves focus, creativity, and productivity.


  • It does not have Bluetooth connectivity
  • It has a limited weight capacity.

The Bifanuo Walking Pad is a versatile and compact exercise treadmill. It allows you to stay active while working or performing other tasks.

It offers a comfortable walking surface that allows you to walk or jog while working. Under-desk treadmills are optimized for steady movement rather than high-speed running.


“Lots to like about the treadmill itself. It is attractive and sturdy. I chose this one over the more established brand (Egofit) because of its longer deck. The treadmill is still very compact and good for my small space, but it accommodates my stride. All the advertised features work as one would expect.”

Maximum Speed4.0 mph
Weight55 lbs
Dimensions43.7″D x 21.3″W x 7.2″H
Maximum Incline Percentage5%
Maximum User Weight265 lbs

FUNMILY Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

⭐⭐⭐★ 4.5/5

FUNMILY Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill


  • It is a small, lightweight treadmill that is easy to store and move.
  • It is relatively quiet and will not disturb others while working or exercising.
  • It has various features that make it a good value for the price.


  • It has a small running surface.
  • It has no Bluetooth connectivity.

The FUNMILY Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill is compact and affordable. It is a good option for people looking to exercise while they work. The treadmill has a speed range of 0.5 to 4 mph and an incline range of 0 to 10%. It also has a built-in LCD that shows your speed, distance, time, calories burned, and heart rate.

Also, the FUNMILY Walking Pad may be designed to allow you to multitask by walking while you work. It can help you combat the adverse effects of prolonged sitting.


“I love this treadmill because I work from home, so this is great to get myself active while working on my projects during the day. I love that it is not bulky, so I can easily drag it around and away from my desk when I do not need it.”

Maximum Speed4.0 mph
Weight55 lbs
Dimensions46.9″D x 21″W x 4.56″H
Incline Percentage0 to 10%
Maximum User Weight300 lbs

Egofit Walker Pro/Plus Smallest Under Desk Treadmill

⭐⭐⭐★ 4.5/5

Egofit Walker Pro/Plus Smallest Under Desk Treadmill


  • It is Small and lightweight
  • It has a quiet operation.
  • The incline allows you to increase the intensity of your workouts.


  • It doesn’t offer the ability to run.

It sounds like a unique and versatile product with its incline feature. It provides a slightly more challenging workout while still maintaining a walking pace. It has a maximum weight capacity of up to 220 pounds.

The incline adds a new dimension to your walking routine. It engages different muscle groups and increases the intensity of the workout.


“I find it fairly quiet and don’t find the hum distracting. The smaller pad and speeds are perfect for me…but I am vertically challenged, not athletic, and a fairly slow walker. So while it’s not a replacement for a full-size piece of equipment, it meets my needs and does exactly what it’s intended for.”

Maximum Speed3.1 mph
Weight48.1 lbs
Dimensions38.39″D x 21.85″W x 6.89″H
Maximum Incline Percentage5%
Maximum User Weight220 lbs

UREVO Under Desk Treadmill

⭐⭐⭐★ 4.5/5

UREVO Under Desk Treadmill 2



  • Small running surface
  • Limited weight capacity
  • No Bluetooth connectivity

Discover the enhanced UREVO Under Desk Treadmill, now featuring advanced automatic incline technology. Elevate your workout routine with the convenience of three adjustable incline levels: 5%, 7%, and 9%. This innovation allows you to personalize your workout intensity to match your goals.

It results in a more dynamic exercise session that engages your hip and calf muscles.


“I was looking for a treadmill with an incline that could also roll under my bed; I was very impressed with this treadmill. The only issue is that it’s hard to roll under my bed, but I’ll manage.”

Maximum Speed4.0 mph
Weight55 lbs
Dimensions50.4″D x 23.5″W x 5.9″H
Maximum Incline Percentage9%
Maximum User Weight265 lbs

Popfit Standing Desk Walking Pad Treadmill 

⭐⭐⭐★ 4.1/5

Popfit Standing Desk Walking Pad Treadmill


  • It is easy to set
  • You can move around easily
  • It has a quick setup feature


  • Sometimes, users face replacement issue
  • The unit is a bit noisy.

Popfit Walking Pad is a good option for people looking for a compact and easy-to-use treadmill. It is an excellent option for people who want to exercise while they work.

It has a built-in LED display that tracks your speed, distance, time, and calories burned. Its compact design and built-in wheels make it easy to move and store.


“I got this treadmill to use during Zoom calls and meetings and love it!” Before it arrived, Tim from the company’s customer support reached out to offer assistance and tips with the product setup and function. When it arrived, the belt was off-center, but after working with Tim, we could recenter it quickly, and it works great. A great purchase! Highly recommend.”

Maximum Speed3.8 mph
Weight43 lbs
Dimensions51″D x 5″W x 24″H
Maximum Incline Percentage5%
Maximum User Weight300 lbs

Lifepro Smallest Portable 30″ Walking Pad

⭐⭐⭐★ 4.2/5

Lifepro Smallest Portable 30in Walking Pad


  • It is small and portable
  • It is lightweight
  • It is easy to store
  • It is affordable


  • Not suitable for vigorous workouts

Lifepro 30-inch Walking Pad is a good option for people looking for a small, portable treadmill. It is excellent for light workouts or walking while working. It is affordable and easy to use, but it is not suitable for vigorous exercises.

It is made of stainless steel and has a non-slip walking surface. It comes with a remote control and a folding design for easy storage. It is a small, portable treadmill used under a desk or in other tight spaces. So, it’s one of the best buys in the market.


“That incline gets the burn going, even when walking slowly. I wasn’t expecting that, especially because I walk outside on a similar incline and don’t get that deep burn. You can feel it.”

Maximum Speed3 mph
Weight40 lbs
Dimensions32″D x 25″W x 7″H
Maximum Incline Percentage7%
Maximum User Weight220 lbs

GOYOUTH Walking Pad with 5% Incline

Goyouth Walking Pad with 5% Incline


  • Powerful 2.25HP motor
  • 5% incline design
  • Portable, lightweight, and foldable
  • Wooden surface
  • 12 pre-set programs
  • LED monitor
  • Wireless remote control


  • Relatively expensive
  • Maximum speed of 6 km/h
  • Noise dbls

The GoYouth Walking Pad with 5% Incline is the perfect way to get a workout in limited space. The 2.25HP motor is powerful enough for walking while you work. The fixed 5% incline can help you burn more calories. The noise is only 55 dbl so that you won’t disturb others. The LED gives you all the primary sports data.

It has a 41 x 16.3 belt and a 300 lbs weight capacity, suitable for most individuals. It is only 7.2″ high and can be easily pushed under a couch or a bed.

I love that the walking pad has 12 pre-set programs. You can control it with a wireless remote or a mobile app. The remote is great for quickly adjusting the speed, and the app lets you track your progress and set goals.

The walking pad is also easy to move and store. It has two transport wheels, making moving around in the office easy.

Maximum Speed 6 km/h
Pre-Set Programs12
Dimensions50″D x 23″W x 7″H
Incline Percentage5%
Maximum User Weight300 lbs

Final Words

Adding an under-desk treadmill with an incline into your routine can be a game-changer. It can increase your productivity and fitness. Walking while working can enhance your physical and mental well-being. Consider incline, speed, and safety features when choosing the right treadmill.


1. What is an under-desk treadmill with an incline?

An under-desk treadmill allows users to walk or jog at various incline levels. It promotes physical activity and boosts productivity.

2. Are they suitable for all fitness levels?

Under-desk treadmills with inclines come with adjustable speed settings and incline levels. Beginners can start with lower incline and speed settings and gradually increase intensity.

3. How does the incline feature work?

The incline feature on under-desk treadmills allows you to adjust the angle of the walking surface. It simulates uphill walking, increasing the intensity of your workout.

4. Are under-desk treadmills with incline noisy?

Most modern under-desk treadmills are designed to operate quietly. Check user reviews and specifications to gauge the noise level of a particular model.

5. Can I use an under-desk treadmill with an incline while working?

Yes, the primary purpose of these treadmills is to enable you to exercise while working. The slow and steady pace of walking or jogging is conducive to tasks like typing, reading, or attending virtual meetings.

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